Monday, December 17, 2012

A quick clean can make a huge difference!

The year has flown by, and Christmas is only a week away.  If you're like me, this month has been spent finishing up end of the year projects at work, focusing on getting gifts, and not on cleaning up around the house.  As the holiday approaches, most people will gather with friends and family, and for most, making sure everything looks spotlessly clean can be a source of anxiety.  Party planning and prepping can take so much time, that many people wait until the last possible second to tackle cleaning, and the task can be come overwhelming!

Luckily, the folks over at lifehacker have posted a great article to get you out of this jam! How to Clean Your House in 15 Minutes or Less! is provides a detailed game plan for making your house look great for guests in no time at all! Check out this article and share it with friends and family you know will be hosting guests this year, and let me know any of your secret tips in the comments below.  Don't forget to follow my blog, friend me on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter to keep up with everything I ever post!

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